Predstavljen djelomični popis igara koje će biti dostupne u sklopu PS Plus Premium

Sony je danas objavio djelomični popis igara koje će biti dostupne u sklopu novih pretplatničkih PS Plus modela. Pretplatnici PS Plus Extra usluge će imati izbor PS4 i PS5 ekskluziva i third-party igara, a fokus je navodno da se ponudi što više “visokokvalitetnih” naslova. Uz te igre, Premium pretplatnici će dobiti određene originalne PlayStation i PSP igre, klasične naslove remasterirane za PS4 i određeni izbor PS3 igara koje će moći igrati preko streaminga.
Na popisu se nalaze svakako razni klasici, Ape Escape 2, Syphon Filter i Tekken 2 su u ponudi, kao i razne Ratchet and Clank igre, Hot Shots serijal, Devil May Cry HD Collection, Dark Cloud i mnogi drugi. Ponuda nije toliko šokantna, pa ni zasad neočekivana i previše uzbudljiva, no svakako je tek početak, koji nam daje do znanja u kojem smjeru pretplate idu i tko su možda i najveći partneri Sonyja u ovom projektu.
Objavljen je parcijalni popis koji je primarno fokusiran na PS4 i PS5 igre, no na njemu se našao i nešto kraći popis starijih naslova. Kompletan popis naslova koji nas očekuju u sklopu PS Plus Premium pretplate bit će objavljen naknadno, a trenutno stanje možete provjeriti ispod.
PS Plus Extra igre:
PlayStation Studios igre
- Alienation | Housemarque, PS4
- Bloodborne | FromSoftware, PS4
- Concrete Genie | Pixelopus, PS4
- Days Gone | Bend Studio, PS4
- Dead Nation Apocalypse Edition | Housemarque, PS4
- Death Stranding and Death Stranding Director’s Cut | Kojima Productions, PS4/PS5
- Demon’s Souls | Bluepoint Games, PS5
- Destruction AllStars | Lucid Games, PS5
- Everybody’s Golf | Japan Studio, PS4
- Ghost Of Tsushima Director’s Cut | Sucker Punch, PS4/ PS5
- God of War | Santa Monica Studio, PS4
- Gravity Rush 2 | Japan Studio, PS4
- Gravity Rush Remastered | Japan Studio, PS4
- Horizon Zero Dawn | Guerrilla Games, PS4
- Infamous First Light | Sucker Punch, PS4
- Infamous Second Son | Sucker Punch, PS4
- Knack | Japan Studio, PS4
- LittleBigPlanet 3 | Sumo Digital, PS4
- LocoRoco Remastered | Japan Studio, PS4
- LocoRoco 2 Remastered | Japan Studio, PS4
- Marvel’s Spider-Man | Insomniac Games, PS4
- Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales | Insomniac Games, PS4/PS5
- Matterfall |Housemarque, PS4
- MediEvil | Other Ocean, PS4
- Patapon Remastered | Japan Studio, PS4
- Patapon 2 Remastered | Japan Studio, PS4
- Resogun | Housemarque, PS4
- Returnal | Housemarque, PS5
- Shadow of the Colossus | Japan Studio, PS4
- Tearaway Unfolded |Media Molecule, PS4
- The Last Guardian | Japan Studio, PS4
- The Last of Us Remastered | Naughty Dog, PS4
- The Last of Us: Left Behind | Naughty Dog, PS4
- Until Dawn | Supermassive Games, PS4
- Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection |Naughty Dog, PS4
- Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End | Naughty Dog, PS4
- Uncharted: The Lost Legacy | Naughty Dog, PS4
- WipEout Omega Collection | Clever Beans & Creative Vault Studios, PS4
Third-Party igre
- Ashen | Annapurna Interactive,PS4
- Assassin’s Creed Valhalla* | Ubisoft, PS4/PS5
- Celeste | Maddy Makes Games, PS4
- Cities: Skylines | Paradox Interactive, PS4
- Control: Ultimate Edition | 505 Games, PS4/PS5
- Dead Cells| Motion Twin, PS4
- Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition | Square Enix Co. LTD, PS4
- Hollow Knight | Team Cherry, PS4
- Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy | Square Enix Co. LTD., PS4/PS5
- Mortal Kombat 11 | WB Games, PS4/PS5
- Narutoshippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 | Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc., PS4
- NBA 2K22 | 2K Games, PS4/PS5
- Outer Wilds | Annapurna Interactive, PS4
- Red Dead Redemption 2 | Rockstar Games, PS4
- Resident Evil | Capcom Co., Ltd, PS4
- Soulcalibur VI | Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc., PS4
- The Artful Escape | Annapurna Interactive, PS4/PS5
- The Crew 2* | Ubisoft, PS4
PS Plus Premium igre:
Popis PlayStation Plus Premium igara uključivat će originalne PSP i PlayStation igre i remasterirane klasike iz prethodnih generacija konzola. Svaka PS3 igra uključena na popis bit će dostupna za streaming na PS4, PS5 i PC-u. Ovdje će se također dodavati više igara na mjesečnoj bazi, a zasada imamo slijedeće naslove:
PlayStation Studios igre
- Ape Escape | Japan Studio, Original Playstation
- Hot Shots Golf | Japan Studio, Original Playstation
- I.Q. Intelligent Qube | Japan Studio, Original PlayStation
- Jumping Flash! | Japan Studio, Original PlayStation
- Syphon Filter | Bend Studio, Original PlayStation
- Super Stardust Portable | Housemarque, PSP
Third-Party igre
- Mr. Driller | Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc., Original PlayStation
- Tekken 2 | Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc., Original PlayStation
- Worms World Party | Team 17, Original PlayStation
- Worms Armageddon | Team17, Original PlayStation
PlayStation Studios
- Ape Escape 2 | Japan Studio, PS4
- Arc The Lad: Twilight of the Spirits | Japan Studio, PS4
- Dark Cloud | Japan Studio, PS4
- Dark Cloud 2 | Japan Studio, PS4
- FantaVision | SIE, PS4
- Hot Shots Tennis | Japan Studio, PS4
- Jak II | Naughty Dog, PS4
- Jak 3| Naughty Dog, PS4
- Jak X: Combat Racing | Naughty Dog, PS4
- Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy | Naughty Dog, PS4
- Rogue Galaxy | Japan Studio, PS4
- Siren | Japan Studio, PS4
- Wild Arms 3 | SIE, PS4
Third-Party Partners
- Baja: Edge of Control HD | THQ Nordic, PS4
- Bioshock Remastered | 2K Games, PS4
- Borderlands The Handsome Collection | 2K Games, PS4
- Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition | Gearbox Publishing, PS4
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning | THQ Nordic, PS4
- Lego Harry Potter Collection | WB Games, PS4
PlayStation Studios
- Crash Commando | Creative Vault Studios, PS3
- Demon’s Souls | From Software, PS3
- echochrome | Japan Studio, PS3
- Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds | Japan Studio, PS3
- Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational | Japan Studio, PS3
- Ico | Japan Studio, PS3
- Infamous | Sucker Punch, PS3
- Infamous 2 | Sucker Punch, PS3
- Infamous: Festival of Blood | Sucker Punch, PS3
- LocoRoco Cocoreccho! | Japan Studio, PS3
- MotorStorm Apocalypse | Evolution Studios, PS3
- MotorStorm RC | Evolution Studios, PS3
- Puppeteer | Japan Studio, PS3
- rain | Japan Studio, PS3
- Ratchet & Clank: Quest For Booty | Insomniac Games, PS3
- Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time |Insomniac Games, PS3
- Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus | Insomniac Games, PS3
- Resistance 3 | Insomniac Games, PS3
- Super Stardust HD | Housemarque, PS3
- Tokyo Jungle | Japan Studio, PS3
- When Vikings Attack | Clever Beans, PS3
Third-Party igre
- Asura’s Wrath | Capcom Co., Ltd., PS3
- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 | Konami, PS3
- Devil May Cry HD Collection | Capcom Co., Ltd., PS3
- Enslaved: Odyssey to the West | Bandai Namco Entertainment America Inc., PS3
- F.E.A.R. | WB Games, PS3
- Lost Planet 2 | Capcom Co., Ltd., PS3
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 | Koei Tecmo, PS3
- Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare |Rockstar Games, PS3
Što se tiče ponude igara za PS Essential, tu još nije puno toga rečeno. Sony tek treba objaviti igre koje će biti uključene u njihovu PS Plus Essential razinu za lipanj jer će biti lansirane svakog prvog utorka u mjesecu kao i do sada. Više o njima možemo očekivati krajem svibnja.
Predstavljeni su i neki naslovi koji će biti dostupni unutar određenog vremenskog razdoblja, takozvani trial naslovi za Premium pretplatnike. Među njima zasad nema puno naslova, no svakako su vrijedan dodatak:
PlayStation Studios igre
- Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection | Naughty Dog, PS5
- Horizon Forbidden West | Guerrilla Games, PS4/PS5
Third Party igre
- Cyberpunk 2077 | CD Projekt, PS5
- Farming Simulator 22 | Giants Software GmBH, PS4/PS5
- Tiny Tina’s Wonderland | 2K Games, PS4/PS5
- WWE 2K22 | 2K Games, PS4/PS5